About Us
Experience the American West by browsing through our photos of its cowboys, wildlife, landscapes, and more! Through our photography, we are able to share the beauty and uniqueness of the western lifestyles we are so blessed to be a part of. Cattle ranching in Wyoming and Montana has been a huge part of our lives, as well as time spent in Wyoming's western mountains working in hunting camps and on summer pack trips. Exploring the wilderness areas around Jackson Hole and Yellowstone has been an extraordinary privilege. As you view our photos, we hope you are able to sense the thrill and appreciation we each have for our surroundings and lifestyles. It is then that you will have experienced "A Place in the West".
Thank you for browsing!
Linda and Kate
Passin' Thru?
Nature's Design Taxidermy
If you're passing through Cody, WY check out the awesome taxidermy as well as some of our products.
Dirty Sally's General Store
Our products can be found at the foot of the Big Horn mountains, in the ever-popular Dirty Sally's General Store in Tensleep, WY.
Cody Country Art League
The Cody Country Art League in Cody, WY is a must see! Our products can be found here, along with other local artists' work.